Travel Guide "Remembrance Connects Region Oder-Warta"

P L ACE S OF REMEMBRANCE L i st of I mage s 106 List of Images ECCOFORT e.V.: page 11, 51, 81 (Map background © Contributors); Dirk Röder: cover, page 7, 10 bottom, 14, 15, 18, 39, 40, 43, 44 top, 45 top, 46, 47, 78/79, 96, 101, 104, 105 top; Martin Kaule: page 16, 20, 25, 26, 33-35, 36, 48/49, 54, 56, 60-63, 67-70, 72-75, 80, 83, 84 bottom, 85-93, 95, 97, 99; Wikimedia Commons: page 8/9/24 top (Matthias Merian / gemeinfrei), 24 bottom (Marek Olszycki), 28 (Painting from Wojciech Kossak: Die Schlacht von Zorndorf / 1899), 29 (Gemälde von Alexander von Kotzebue (1847): Battle of Kunersdorf 1. August 1759), 55 top (MOs810), 58 bottom (gemeinfrei), 71 (Ralf Roletschek), 103 (A.Savin); Archiv Johanniterorden Berlin: page 44 bottom, 45 bottom (Quelle: Brandenburgisches Landeshauptarchiv (BLHA), Rep.9B Johanniterorden 5577-4); Horst Drewing: page 13, 21, 23, 37, 43, 57, 100, 102; Page 42 „Feldmessen“ around 1720, Source: Franciscus Philippus Florinus; Przemyslaw Szymoński: page 105 bottom; City Eisenhüttenstadt, Municipal Museum: page 82; Meeting Centre Castle Trebnitz: page 98; Castle Beeskow: page 94; Liberation Route Europe: page 76/77; Oderbruchmuseum, Alex Schirmer: page 12; Municipality Słońsk: page 52, 53; Michael Anker: page 66; Wuhdener Heimatverein e. V.: page 65; Museum Fortress Küstrin: page 27, 50, 64; Museum Fürstenwalde: page 30; Volkmar Billeb: page 19; State Museum of the Woiwodschaft Lubuskie Ziolona Gora: page 22; State Museum of the Woiwodschaft Lubuskie Gorzów Wielkopolski: page 38; Konstantin Boerner: page 31 top, Astis Krause: page 31 bottom; Museum Viadrina: page 16; Local history society Lebus: page 10 top, 17; City Kostrzyn nad Odra: page 32; Marek Olszycki: page 24 bottom; Kleist-Museum: page 41; Thomas Werner: page 58 top; Woldenbergmuseum Dobiegniew: page 55 bottom; Andreas Jüttemann: page 59 Begegnungs- und Entdeckungsraum Space of fate Museum History Station Seelow (Mark) Obelisk Czelin - 1st Polish border post on the Oder 1945 Eisenhüttenstadt Municipal Museum Erich Weinert” District House of Culture, Seelow Martin Andersen Nexö” House of Culture, Rüdersdorf Documentation Centre for Everyday Culture in the GDR, Eisenhüttenstadt Sonnenburg concentration camp martyrdom museum, cemetery and memorial plaque, Słońsk Lieberose Concentration Camp Documenta- tion Site / Soviet Special Camp No. 6 Jamlitz Viadrina Museum Memorial and Documen- tation Site “Victims of Political Tyranny”, Frankfurt (Oder) Memorial stones for prisoners of the Wulkow subcamp Meseritz-Obrawalde sanatorium and hospital, Memorial to euthanasia victims, Międzyrzecz-Obrzyce Stalag IIIB Eisenhüttenstadt-Fürstenberg (Oder), Eisenhüttenstadt City Museum Oflag III B Tiborlager, barracks complex / hospital, Cibórz Museum of Oflag II C Woldenberg, Dobiegniew Memorial to the Victims of the War, Europe Bridge near Siekierki Museum of the Martyrdom of Allied Prison- ers of War Stalag Luft III C, Zagan Monument to tanks in Lubrza Monument to the victims of the wars, Waldsieversdorf cemetery Museum of the Fortress Front Oder- Warta-Bogen (MRU), Pniewo Museum of the Burschen Loop, Boryszyn History and nature trail “Oderstellung Cigacice / Odereck”, Leśna Góra Open-air museum Oderstellung Czerwieńsk Old Town Fortress Küstrin, Kostrzyn nad Odrą Private Museum of the Honour of the Polish Armed Forces, Witnica Polish Armed Forces Memorial Museum, Stare Łysogórki Museum and Memorial of the Pioneers of the 1st Polish Army, Gozdowice Siekierki Sanctuary Seelow Heights Memorial and Museum Museum History Station Seelow (Mark) Reitweiner Spur memorial site Tank memorial, memorial to the victims of the war, Bridgehead Memorial, Kienitz (Letschin) Klessin Castle War Memorial, Podelzig 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 1 2 3 4 5 6 Neuküstrinchen Memorial, Oderaue Ruins of the ammunition and explosives factory Dynamit AG, Nowogród Bobrzański - Krzystkowice Ruins of the explosives factory Deutsche Sprengchemie GmbH, Forst Memorial stone for American bomber airborne radio operator Leslie C. Chavet, Nowa Wioska Grave of the American bomber radio opera- tor Leslie C. Chavet, Bucze Museum Atena, Skwierzyna Radar Tower Weesow Werneuchen Airfield War gravesite Gronenfelde Stalag IIIC Alt-Drewitz war gravesite, Kostrzyn nad Odrą - Stare Drzewice Seelow Municipal Cemetery German War Gravesite Wuhden Polish War Memorial and Military Cemetery, Stare Łysogórki Soviet memorials Eisenhüttenstadt Soviet Memorial and Cemetery of Honour, Cybinka Soviet Cemetery of Honour Groß Neuendorf Soviet Military Cemetery Lebus Soviet Military Cemetery Küstrin-Kietz Soviet Cemetery of Honour and Memorial Cottbus Soviet Military Cemetery Forst Spremberg Soviet Cemetery of Honour Soviet Memorial Platkow Soviet Cenotaph and Cemetery Grünheide Soviet Cemetery of Honour and Cemetery Beeskow 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Film Museum Golzow Youth cinema, Frankfurt (Oder) Cultural Harbour with Agricultural Museum, Groß Neuendorf John Heartfield House Waldsieversdorf Brecht-Weigel House Buckow Strausberg Cultural Bunker Falkenhagen underground bunker complex Russian missile base Wołkodar, Trzemeszno Lubuskie Harnekop nuclear bunker, Prötzel Bunker Museum Garzau Bunker Museum Fuchsbau, Bad Saarow, OT Petersdorf Bunker Museum Kolkwitz Bunker Museum Kunersdorf Bunker Museum Gosen Neuhardenberg Airfield Museum Lebus Military Museum Zielona Góra, Drzonów Cottbus Prison Human Rights Centre Viadrina Museum Memorial and Documen- tation Centre “Victims of Political Tyranny”, Frankfurt (Oder) Kostrzyn nad Odrą border crossing point Frankfurt (Oder) city bridge Europe Bridge (former railway bridge), Neurüdnitz-Siekierki Trebnitz Castle Education and Meeting Centre Car ferry Güstebieser Loose - Gozdowice Flood memorial “Flutzeichen”, Oderaue OT Neuküstrinchen Neuranft Culture Factory Fürstenwalde “Factory-Bish- op’s Castle Complex”, Cathedral Square Fürstenwalde (Spree) Beeskow Castle and Contemporary Museum Succession Park & Commander’s Mound Lieberoser Heide Witnica Signpost Park Słońsk House of Culture Słońsk Nature Park Museum Park of the Cultures of the World, Drezden- ko Swiss House Seelow Peace Forest Werbig Peace Forest Górzyca Warta Estuary National Park (Ujscie Warty) Märkische Schweiz Nature Park Map page 51 Map page 81