Travel Guide "Remembrance Connects Region Oder-Warta"

15 A h i stor i ca l ly common cultura l area A h i stor i ca l ly common cultura l area Oderbruch serves as a model for the future of rural areas in Europe. From a historical perspective, the cultural land- scape owes its existence to the most advanced engineering knowledge in Europe in the 18 th century. It stands for an appropriation of nature on a large scale, labour-intensive but sus- tainable. Its water system has been constantly optimised and made more environmentally friendly over genera- tions, surviving the breakdown of systems and wars. Due to immigration from many parts of Europe, Oderbruch is now a diverse space: a Little Europe. The unique significance of Oderbruch‘s cultural and historical landscape was recognised in 2022 with the European Heritage Label ( EHL ). Experience the cultural heritage As designated cultural heritage sites, local history rooms and village muse- ums, land and architectural monuments, pumping stations, ship and windmills, churches and farms, all make it possible to experience the cultural heritage of this landscape. Oderbruch – People creating the landscape One of the most interesting small landscapes in Europe – Recognised with the European Heritage Label Coordination Office c/o Museumsverein Altranft e.V. Phone: + 49 3344 – 155 39 01 Kommunale Arbeitsgemeinschaft Kulturerbe Oderbruch i Plan your individual excursion to the heritage sites with the brochure „Explore the Bruch“, available at all tourist information offices in Oderbruch. More visitor information, along with current event information, cultural and eating out recommendations, and tour suggestions can also be found at . Please note that the locations do not always have fixed opening hours. Some are part of the public space, while others are presented by private individuals who have to be contacted in advance. We wish you an exciting journey into a unique cultural heritage landscape! 14