Travel Guide "Remembrance Connects Region Oder-Warta"

41 A h i stor i ca l ly common cultura l area A h i stor i ca l ly common cultura l area The beginnings of brewing in the Lubusz region date back to the 14 th century, when the little river of Vietze and the village of Vietz became the property of the Cistercian Order of Mironic. The success story of today‘s brewery began in 1848 , when Ernst Ferdinand Handke came from Lagow to Witnica and took over the brewery. It remained in the family until 1945 , when the ethnic German population was expelled in the course of Poland‘s westward shift. The Soviet occupiers originally wanted to dismantle the brewery and export it to the USSR , as they had done with many other breweries in the region. Fortunately, this plan was never carried out. Until the early 1990 s, the brewery was a state-owned enterprise of the Peop- le‘s Republic of Poland, after which it was privatised and later transformed into a joint-stock company, which still produces beer at the site today. The brewery museum on the brewery‘s premises provides information on the Lubusz Brewery Museum in Witnica Beer is still being brewed in Witnica to this day. The history of the brewing trade is documented in a museum on the brewery premises. Address: Marii Konopnickiej 1 66 - 460 Witnica, Polen www. Open: January-December GPS : 52 ° 40 ‘ 24 . 1 “N 14 ° 54 ‘ 00 . 2 “E Lubusz Brewery Museum in Witnica i Frankfurt (Oder) received its town charter in 1253 and quickly developed into a trading centre due to its loca- tion on the Oder River and because of the influx of merchants from northwest Germany and Flanders. The fact that it was the location of the first university in Brandenburg led to an influx of over 900 students from German and neighbouring regions as early as in its founding year, 1506 . The Thirty Years‘ War decimated the population, reducing it to a fifth. However, the university and its im- portance as a transshipment site for goods between Germany and Eastern Europe ensured a renewed economic boom for the city. In the last months of the Second World War and afterwards, thousands of people from the evacua- ted eastern territories were brought to Germany via Frankfurt (Oder). After all the Oder River bridges were destroyed during the Red Army‘s advance towards Berlin, the Bridge of Friendship, opened in 1952 , once again created a road connection bet- ween the cities of Frankfurt (Oder) and Kleist Museum This museum is dedicated to the poet and dramatist Heinrich von Kleist, located in his birthplace, Frankfurt (Oder). Słubice, which was established in 1945 . Bernd Heinrich Wilhelm von Kleist ( 1777 - 1811 ) is one of the city‘s most famous personalities. Frankfurt (Oder) is the birthplace of the German poet and playwright. As early as 1922 , the Kleist Society, founded in Berlin in 1920 , set up the first memorial room in the poet‘s birthplace, which was incorpo- rated into the Oderland Museum in the Lienau-Haus building as a Kleist exhibition in 1937 . Today, the Kleist Museum maintains Heinrich von Kleist‘s intellectual and literary legacy in the former garrison school. Address: Faberstraße 6 - 7 15230 Frankfurt (Oder), Deutschland Open: January-December GPS : 52 ° 20 ‘ 37 . 6 “N 14 ° 33 ‘ 26 . 3 “E Kleist Museum i history of beer brewing. This historical craft is comprehensively explained in guided tours with the help of many exhibits. The museum also features a shop and a virtual exhibition. 40