Travel Guide "Remembrance Connects Region Oder-Warta"

47 A h i stor i ca l ly common cultura l area A h i stor i ca l ly common cultura l area It houses a multimedia German and Polish information and meeting centre on the history of the Knights of St John. A diverse range of painting, ceramics, photography, experimental art, and films on various themes are presented in alternating exhibitions. A varied programme of events for young and old round of this experience at Strele- Burg in Friedland. The Order‘s town of Friedland and the castle with 14 surrounding villages were the property of the Knights of St John Order from 1518 to 1866 . The castle dates back to the Knights of Strehle, who had a moated castle built near the Dammühlenfließ in the 14 th century. A devastating fire destroyed large parts of the town and castle in 1623 . Just as rebuilding had begun, the Thirty Years‘ War broke out across the region. From 1643 to 1650 the Order‘s Friedland Office was occupied by the Swedes, and the marauding troops left the Friedland Office in ruins after the war. Master Count Adam von Schwarzenberg again oversaw re- building the castle fortress until 1658 . With secularisation in 1866 , the Knights of St. John property finally passed into the Kingdom of Saxony‘s possession. Burg Friedland has survived the centuries and is today one of the best-preserved castles in Branden- burg. Address: Pestalozzistraße 3 15848 Friedland, Deutschland Open: January-December GPS : 52 ° 06 ‘ 23 . 0 “N 14 ° 15 ‘ 39 . 7 “E Friedland Castle i Friedland Castle (StreleBurg) Today, Burg Friedland (Friedland Castle) houses a German-Polish information and meeting centre, which also documents the history of the Knights of St. John with an exhibition. The municipality of Łagów is located in the Lubusz Voivodeship, surroun- ded by lakes and wooded hills. Its turbulent history was determined by its strategic location on the former eastern border of the Holy Roman Empire, in the border region between Silesia, Greater Poland, and Mark Brandenburg. Arriving at Łagów today, you will immediately notice the omnipresent municipal coat of arms, which con- sists of the Knights of St. John cross. Łagów Castle and the lands belon- ging to it came into the possession of the Knights of St John Order in the middle of the 14 th century. This was followed by construction of a new castle on the isthmus between Lake Łagów and Lake Ciecz. A fortified St John‘s Castle in Łagów Today, Johanniterburg in Łagów is both an exceptional event location and a holiday and leisure destination. settlement with defence walls and two gates was built below the castle. The Knights of St. John Łagów Com- mandry was established in the castle at the end of the 14 th century. It was one of the largest commandries of the Order of St. John and belonged to Brandenburg-Küstrin from 1535 to 1571 and to Kurbrandenburg from 1571 . There are many traces of the Knights of St John in Łagów: the Knights of St John Castle, the castle chapel (with stone tablets of the knights inside), the city walls, or the Neumark Gate and the Polish Gate. Today, the castle houses a hotel and a restaurant in the popular resort. Address: Tadeusza Kościuszki 3 66 - 220 Łagów, Polen Open: January-December GPS : 52 ° 20 ‘ 05 . 2 “N 15 ° 17 ‘ 33 . 9 “E St John‘s Castle in Lagów i 46