Travel Guide "Remembrance Connects Region Oder-Warta"

76 77 The Space of Fat e the Space of Fat e Europe Remembers „Europe Remembers 1944 – 1945 “ is the first European commemorative tourism brand, bringing together me- morials and events in a collaborative, inspiring travel portal that encourages reflection on the complex legacy of World War II from different historical perspectives. Join us today on a journey to discover history, experiences, events and sights across Europe. The story of the liberation of Western Europe from Nazi occupation during the Second World War is a book with many chapters, some of which begin before start of the war in 1939 , and others which often end years after the end of the conflict in 1945 . The Liberation Route Europe is a cultural route certified by the Council of Europe that connects people, places and events to commemorate Europe‘s liberation from occupation during the Second World War and to reflect on the long-lasting conse- quences and history of the war in accordance with a multinational, multi-perspective approach. With hundreds of sites and stories in nine European countries, the route connects the most important regions along the advance of the Allied forces from 1943 to 1945 . In collaboration with hiking associa- tions across Europe, hiking trails are being developed to recreate the advance of Allied forces across Eu- rope, covering almost 10 , 000 km. Along the routes, numerous places of remembrance tell the story of the last phase of the Second World War from different perspectives. The renowned architect Daniel Libeskind has speci- ally designed a set of symbolic trail markers called „Vectors of Memory“ that honour people, places and sto- ries in the European landscape. The Vectors are supplemented by more than 200 „Audio Spots“ (mainly in Germany and the Netherlands), which effectively combine well-known war events with personal stories and experiences, thus serving to make a lasting impression. Experience the storylines, key military events, personal histories and biographies from the Second World War in Europe. Liberation Route Europe in the Oder-Warthe Region After the Liberation Route focused primarily on the liberation of Western Europe by the Allied forces, the route of the Red Army and its allies towards Berlin is now increasingly becoming the focus of the Cultural Route. Im- portant memorial sites in Poland, such as the Treblinka extermination camp or memorials and museums in War- saw and Gdansk, are already part of this route. The memorial sites identified in the Schicksalsraum (space of fate) of the Oder-Warthe region, along with the multi-perspective develop- ment approach for the Oder-Warthe Liberation Route Europe Those who remember the past can create a better future. memorial landscape, form a good basis for international memorial and educational tourism in cooperation with Liberation Route Europe. As part of the funding project „Stätten der Erinnerung Oder-Warthe“ (Oder- Warthe Sites of Remembrance), seve- ral workshops were held to discuss ways in which the memorial sites of the Oder-Warthe region could also be integrated into Liberation Route Eu- rope and benefit from the experience and Europe-wide reach of the memo- rial network. LRE -Foundation The LRE Foundation (Liberation Route Europe Foundation) is a growing international, inclusive network that connects people and organisations dedicated to preserving and valorising the tangible and intangible cultural heritage related to World War II , its memory and meaning. The organisation’s main objective is to make this history relevant and accessible, especially for the younger generations.