Travel Guide "Remembrance Connects Region Oder-Warta"

84 85 A me e t i ng and d i scovery space A me e t i ng and d i scovery space Limestone quarrying has had and continues to have a decisive influence on Rüdersdorf ‘s development as a town. Today, the region can look back on more than 760 years of history. As an elementary component of cement and other building materials, limes- tone is still an important raw material „Martin Andersen Nexö“ Rüdersdorf Culture House Once called the „workers‘ palace“, a former culture house in Rüdersdorf continues to serve as a local cultural centre to this day. for the construction industry. With the „ VEB Rüdersdorfer Kalk-, Zement- und Betonwerk“ ( VEB Rüdersdorf Lime, Cement and Concrete Factory) foun- ded in 1948 , the extensive quarrying of rock in Rüdersdorf intensified. The limestone processed in the neighbou- ring cement plant was not only used in Berlin, but also on numerous const- ruction sites in the country, including the construction of the Berlin Wall and Germany‘s interior border. The history of limestone quarrying can be traced in the local museum. The culture house, which was built in Rüdersdorf between 1954 and 1956 , is still in use today. At numerous locations in the young GDR , the cul- ture houses, also known as „palaces of socialism“, were to play a decisive role in shaping cultural life in the respective regions. The Kulturhaus »Martin Andersen Nexö« Rüdersdorf („Martin Andersen Nexö“ Rüdersdorf Culture House) is one of the few histo- ric cultural sites from this era that is still in use. Address: Kalkberger Platz 31 15562 Rüdersdorf bei Berlin, Deutschland Open: January-December GPS : 52 ° 28 ‘ 16 . 2 “N 13 ° 46 ‘ 40 . 3 “E Martin Andersen Nexö Culture House i The Gedenk- und Dokumentations- stätte „Opfer politischer Gewaltherr- schaft“ (Memorial and Documentation Site for „Victims of Political Tyranny) provides information about the history of political persecution during National Socialism, under the Soviet occupation forces, and in the GDR era. Selected biographies are used to draw attention to people from the region who were persecuted because of their political convictions, their faith, their race, their resistance behaviour or even just be- cause of suspicion, were sent to the camps, got caught up in the mills of political criminal justice, lost their lives under inhumane conditions or were just deliberately murdered. Preserved individual cells of the former prison and other facilities can be visited. Memorial and Documentation Site for „Victims of Political Tyranny This documentation site is a reminder of the GDR‘s system of repression. The prison has historical significance for multiple regions. During National Socialism, it was part of the apparatus of terror and repression. In 1945 / 46 , the prison was used by the Soviet secret service to bring about 13 , 000 German and Soviet prisoners through to the Gulag camps. With over 100 executions, Frankfurt (Oder) was the most important place of execution during the entire Soviet occupation. The history of Spezial- lagers Nr. 6 (Special Camp No. 6 ) and the political mass arrests of the time are also commemorated. From 1952 , Frankfurt was the capital of the district of the same name. The prison was used by the Ministry of State Security and the People‘s Police to detain political prisoners, among others. In addition to the permanent exhibition, the site also features alter- nating exhibitions and a programme of events. Address: Collegienstr. 10 15230 Frankfurt (Oder), Deutschland gedenkstatte Open: Tue and Thu 10 . 00 - 17 . 00 and by appointment GPS : 52 ° 20 ‘ 55 . 8 “N 14 ° 33 ‘ 12 . 2 “E Gedenkstätte „Opfer politischer Gewalt- herrschaft“ i