Travel Guide "Remembrance Connects Region Oder-Warta"

96 97 A me e t i ng and d i scovery space A me e t i ng and d i scovery space Three years after the fall of the Iron Curtain, an additional border crossing for cars up to 7 . 5 tonnes was built in 1992 between Küstrin-Kietz and the Polish town of Kostrzyn nad Odrą next to the existing railway connection. Several buildings on both sides of the road along with a covered passage- way served to ensure the necessary control and clearance procedures. Poland joined the EU in 2004 and the Schengen area in 2007 . This made the stationary border controls between the participating states obsolete, allowing for greater integration of the now 27 countries. The effects of these measures are also particularly effective in the border regions, where tourists Küstrin Former Border Crossing Directly on the Oder River, the preserved buildings of the former border crossing are a reminder of a long period of European division. and commuters strengthen the eco- nomy and cooperation. Today, thousands of cars and some cyclists pass the former checkpoint every day, which is the last remaining checkpoint of this kind on the Oder River. The administration of the town of Kostrzyn nad Odrą has moved into the former main building, and another building is used as a childcare centre. The Küstrin Fortress Museum is now on the opposite side, right next to the Berlin Gate of the former fortress. Neurüdnitz-Siekierki Europe Bridge The Neurüdnitz-Siekierki Europe Bridge has been extensively renovated in recent years and can now be used by pedestrians and cyclists as a crossing point over the Oder River. The original Neurüdnitz-Siekierki Oder River bridge was blown up by units of the Wehrmacht a few weeks before the end of the Second World War to delay the advance of the Red Army towards Berlin. Since the area east of the Oder River now belonged to Poland, no recon- struction was undertaken during the years after the end of the war. How- ever, since the GDR was on the edge of the eastern defence alliance of Warsaw Treaty states in the escalating conflict of the Cold War, routes that could be used for military strategy were planned and built in addition to the regular transport arteries. This also included the reconstruction of the historic railway bridge. After its completion, this was merely held in reserve in order to be able to transport supplies from the territories further east towards Western Europe more quickly and reliably in the event of an escalation with NATO troops. This link across the Oder River, now called the Europabrücke (Europe Bridge), has been extensively renova- ted on both sides in recent years. Since 2022 , it has once again enab- led pedestrians and cyclists to cross the Oder River at this point. There is an impressive view of the surrounding area from the viewing platform on the Polish side. Address: Graniczna 1 66 - 470 Kostrzyn nad Odrą, Polen Open: January-December GPS : 52 ° 34 ‘ 53 . 8 “N 14 ° 38 ‘ 01 . 0 “E Küstrin Former Border Crossing i Address: Zäckericker Loose 16259 Oderaue, Deutschland Open: January-December GPS : 52 ° 48 ‘ 43 . 1 “N 14 ° 13 ‘ 16 . 9 “E Europabrücke Neurüdnitz-Siekierki i