Travel Guide "Remembrance Connects Region Oder-Warta"

Geme i nsamer H i stor i scher Kulturraum 02 Unt erthema E i ns 10 11 A h i stor i ca l ly common cult ra l area A CROSS- BORDER CULTURAL HERITAGE Th is historically common cultural space is defined by the region‘s living, cross-border cultural heritage of shared significance from the time before 1933 . The existing places of remembrance can be categorised primarily under the themes of „land reclamation in peace“, „military his- tory“, „sites of industrialisation and agro-industrial development from 1830 to 1933 “ and „memorials to the region‘s famous personalities“. This where you will find a variety of historical sites or sites commemora- ting events related to the mentioned themes. Land reclamation in peace In addition to the actors involved in reclamation, there is also presentation of the technical monuments and archi- tectural monument zones of Frederician settlements. Military history The Oder/Warta region was shaped by military events over the course of many eras. The ramparts, castle ruins and modern fortress monuments still bear witness to these events today. In particular, the emergence and con- solidation of Prussia led to profound interventions and changes in the region, including of a military nature. Numerous wars left suffering and devastation in their wake. Answering to military demand, industries such as brickworks and cannon foundries developed until the early 20 th century, along with a built-up transport infrastructure. Sites of industrialisation and agro-industrial development Artificial shipping lanes that connec- ted not only the greater Berlin area but also Eberswalde with the Oder River, the draining of the quarry landscape, and the connection to railways and urban railways all contributed to making rapid industrial development of the region possible. Memorials to the region‘s famous personalities Also not to be missed are places of remembrance in honour of important literary figures, politicians, entrepreneurs and people whose actions have influenced and shaped history, the region, and its inhabitants. These influential personalities experienced the Oder-Warthe region in very diffe- rent eras and societal forms. Frankfurt (Oder) Międzyrzecz Eisenhüttenstadt Fürstenwalde/ Spree Seelow Kostrzyn nad Odrą Zielona Góra Gorzów Wielkopolski Bad Freienwalde Berlin Słońsk Łagów Świebodzin Beeskow Sulęcin Odra Oder Warthe / Warta Odra / Oder Nysa Neiße Cottbus Forst Guben Müncheberg Strausberg Witnica 1 I 64 I 65 2 44 4 I 67 6 I 10 I 45 I 46 8 15 7 14 13 12 I 71 11 5 I 16 18 I 63 19 20 59 I 72 I 73 27 I 38 I 39 I 70 17 21 24 23 I 47 22 25 26 29 31 30 37 32 28 36 34 35 40 17 41 42 I 48 I 68 43 49 50 51 52 53 54 I 55 62 56 57 58 I 75 66 9 69 74 I 75 76 77 78 79 81 82 83 3 60 61 O D E R - W A R T A REMEMBRANCE C O N N E C T S