Travel Guide "Remembrance Connects Region Oder-Warta"

31 A h i stor i ca l ly common cultura l area A h i stor i ca l ly common cultura l area In the Middle Ages, Fürstenwalde was already one of the wealthiest towns in Mark Brandenburg. Situated directly on the Spree River, it was not possible to continue navigating from here further east and thus to the Oder River. This meant that transshipment and onward transport of goods had to be under- taken by land. In 1385 , the city was designated as a cathedral city along with Brandenburg an der Havel and Havelberg, together with its bishop‘s seat. The fate of the bishopric of Lebus was now being controlled from here. With the construction of the Friedrich Wilhelm Canal, the city‘s importance as a trading centre declined. However, the proximity to Berlin and Frankfurt (Oder) favoured the town‘s further development. Museum Fürstenwalde Today, several museums and cultural institutions in Fürstenwalde document the history of the region and of the town on the Spree River The fascinating world of weather can be discovered in the Wettermuseum – Museum für Meteorologie und Aerologie Lindenberg (Weather Museum – Lindenberg Museum for Meteorology and Aerology). This is where young and old can discover how weather observation and measurement have changed over time. From adventurous techniques with weather kites to state-of-the-art satel- lites, in this interactive exhibition visitors will learn how today‘s meteorology has developed. Free audio and video tours allow visitors to individually explore the exhibition. For a more comprehensive experience, guided museum tours Lindenberg Weather Museum Discover the fascinating world of weather: 100 years of meteorology documented in the weather museum – from weather observation to climate change The history of the town is documented in the Museum Fürstenwalde. The ex- hibition is particularly focused on the history of Fürstenwalde‘s crafts, but also on the rich geological, prehistoric and urban history of Fürstenwalde. The museum also houses one of the largest collections of boulders in Europe. can be booked, which also include a visit to the neighbouring observatory of the German Weather Service. This is a rare opportunity to observe the ascent of a radiosonde live and gain a deeper insight into the practice of weather observation. Lindenberg‘s weather museum offers a wide range of age-appropriate programmes and events, especially during the holidays, which teach us about weather phenomena and climate change while having fun. Children and adults alike can explore and experience the fascinating world of weather and climate – an exciting and educational experience for the whole family! Address: Herzberger Straße 21 15848 Tauche, Deutschland Open: November-March Mon to Thu 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. | April to October: Sun to Thu 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. gPS : 52 ° 12 ‘ 29 . 3 “N 14 ° 06 ‘ 50 . 1 “E Lindenberg Weather Museum i i In addition to the Museum Fürsten- walde, the Kulturfabrik Fürstenwalde (Fürstenwalde Culture Factory) socio- cultural centre offers a wide range of cultural activities for all age groups. Address: Domplatz 7 15517 Fürstenwalde/Spree Address: Domplatz 7 15517 Fürstenwalde/Spree, Deutschland Open: January-December GPS : 52 ° 21 ‘ 27 . 7 “N 14 ° 03 ‘ 56 . 6 “E Museum Fürstenwalde i 30