Travel Guide "Remembrance Connects Region Oder-Warta"

66 67 The Space of Fat e The Space of Fat e After the National Socialists seized power in 1933 , the Jewish population was systematically discriminated against, marginalised, and persecu- ted. The night from the 9 th to the 10 th of November, 1938 , marked the transition to open terror. The National Socialist regime organi- sed and directed the destruction of property and facilities of Jews throug- hout the German Reich, including in the Oder-Warthe region. On the night of the pogrom on 9 November 1938 , the National Socialists burned down many synagogues and community centres in Brandenburg. The Jewish cemeteries were also desecrated and levelled in many locations. Some of these locations were transformed into Traces of Jewish Life Through persecution and genocide, countless Jewish lives were destroyed and annihilated. Some sites are preserving the memory of former Jewish life. dignified memorial sites, while others only came back into the population‘s awareness due to private initiatives. And in some locations there is still no plaque commemorating their history. Some of these locations are presen- ted below: Jewish cemeteries Bad Freienwalde (Oder) Goethestraße 16259 Bad Freienwalde (Oder) Completely destroyed. a memorial stone commemorates its existence. Gorzów Wielkopolski Gwiaździsta, ul.Słoneczna 66 - 400 Gorzów Wielkopolski This cemetery was desecrated several times between 1938 and 1945 . Today, traces of this destruction still remind us of that fate. Groß-Neuendorf, Letschin Parkweg 5 , 15324 Letschin Miedzyrzecz Onramp to the S 3 north of Miedzyrzecz Skwierzyna Ul. Miedzyrzecka 700 m left of the roundabout The second largest preserved ceme- tery in western Poland. It is a listed building and has been renovated. Strausberg Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 15344 Strausberg Partially destroyed in 1938 , levelled after 1945 . Commemorative plaque since 1988 . Witnica Ul. Sikorskiego / ul. Kostrzynska 66 - 460 Witnica Synagogues Beeskow Brandstraße 45 , 15848 Beeskow 1930 s: Sold and used as a residential building. It is preserved as one of the few synagogues in Brandenburg. Eberswalde Goethestraße 9 , 16225 Eberswalde Destroyed and removed in 1938 . A „Wachsen mit Erinnerung“ (Growing with Memory) place of remembrance since 2013 . Frankfurt (Oder) Tuchmacherstraße 15230 Frankfurt (Oder) Desecrated in 1938 and used as a camp. A memorial stone was set up in 1988 . Fürstenwalde Frankfurter Str.aße 15517 Fürstenwalde/Spree Destroyed in 1938 . Commemorative plaque since the 1980 s. Miedzyrzecz Ul. Kziedza Skargi 4 66 - 300 Miedzyrzrecz Formerly a synagogue, now a depart- ment store. The interior design has been partly preserved and restored. Müncheberg Hinterstraße 155 , 15374 Müncheberg Destroyed in 1938 . Commemorative plaque since 1995 (Rathausstraße 2 ). Strausberg Jungfernstraße, 15344 Strausberg Destroyed in 1938 . Since 2008 , a memorial plaque on the city wall has commemorated this synagogue. Wriezen Mauerstraße, 16269 Wriezen Destroyed in 1938 . Since 1988 , a me- morial plaque has commemorated this synagogue at its former location. You can find numerous other locations in the following databases: Project: Jews in Historic east Brandenburg – online Documentation of the Jewish cemeteries sche-Friedhoefe/index.html Datenbase: Jewish cemeteries in Poland in the areas of the former province of Brandenburg / Z ydowskie cmentarze na terenie bylej Brandenburgii Online map: Jewish cemeteries in Western Poland / Z ydowskie cmentarze w zachodniej P olsce forschung/ Juedische-Friedhoefe/OnlineKarte/index.html