Karte Erinnerungsorte Oder-Warthe

The Oder-Warta region is a REMEMBERING LANDSCAPE of special value, where especially the 20th century has left deep scars. There is a need and a great potential to preserve these cultural resources for future generations and to use them for the development of the common border area.

In cross-border cooperation funded by the Interreg V-A Programme Brandenburg-Lubuskie, the project partners City of Seelow, City of Kostrzyn nad Odrą and Municipality of Słońsk developed a cross-border tourism cluster as a brand and network: "Remembrance Connects Oder-Warta".

The Network of Remembrance Sites Oder-Warta promotes the special needs of the remembrance sites in terms of sustainable tourism development and qualified international marketing.


Network partner:

  • the district of Märkisch Oderland
  • the city of Seelow
  • the city of Kostrzyn nad Odrą
  • the municipality Słońsk
  • city SantokEHL Network Oderbruch Places, Oderbruch Museum Altranft
  • Network "Traces of the Knights of St. John
  • Meseritz Regional Museum, Międzyrzecz
  • Viadrina Museum, Memorial and Documentation Site "Victims of Political Tyranny", Frankfurt (Oder)
  • Martyrdom Museum Słońsk
  • Museum History Station Seelow (Mark)
  • Museum Visitor Centre of the National Park "Ujście Warty" in Słońsk
  • MRU Museum Oder-Warthe Fortress Arch
  • Museum Küstrin Fortress, Kostrzyn nad Odrą
  • Swiss House Seelow
  • Museum Lubuskie Gorzów Wielkopolski
  • Peenemünde Historical-Technical Museum
  • Liberation Route Europe

The basis of the "Remembrance connects" network is our cooperation agreement (PL-pdf / DE-pdf). You are welcome to become an active network partner by signing the cooperation agreement.



Brochure Remembrance connects

Brochure Remembrance connects

Travel guide

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Das Projekt wurde durch die Europäische Union gefördert (2018-2023).